Hong Kong Society of Minimal Access Surgery
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| Our People | President Report | Members |
Membership Information:

Ordinary members:
Any registered Hong Kong medical practitioner who is actively practising minimal access therapy duly proposed, seconded and passed in a council meeting.

Under the present agreement, all ordinary members would automatically become affiliated members of the Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA).

Associate members:
Any person duly proposed, seconded and passed in a council meeting.  Associate members enjoy all the privileges of the Society except the power of voting and holding office.

Honorary members:
Conferred under exceptional circumstances by the Society as a sign of respect and appreciation to a leader in laparoscopic surgery who has made significant contribution to the Society.

Every candidate for membership of the Society shall be proposed and seconded by two Ordinary members of the Society.  Application for admission must be made in writing signed by the candidate, the proposer and seconder concerned and addressed to the Honorary Secretary and shall be in such form as the Council shall decide from time to time.

Admission Fee
Ordinary Member HK$250
Associate Member HK$50
Life Subscription
Ordinary Member HK$1500
Associate Member HK$300
Annual Subscription
Ordinary Member HK$250
Associate Member HK$50

Download Membership Application Form:
Microsoft Word 7.0 format (hksmasaf.doc 52KB)
Adobe Acrobat format (hksmasaf.pdf 121KB)
Fuel Card Application form (fuelcard.pdf 500KB)

| Our People | President Report | Members |


Copyright © 2008
Hong Kong Society of Minimal Access Surgery Ltd.
Webmaster: info@hksmas.org
Last updated: 05/2008